Ana Sophia Scheller Injured I haven’t seen New York City Ballet Principal Dancer Ana Sophia Scheller this season and was wondering about her as she is one of my favorites. Unfortunately, she is injured. From her Facebook page: “With torn …
Month: January 2014
New York City Ballet
Balanchine and Robbins Jan 24
Friday’s New York City Ballet theme was Balanchine and Robbins: Masters at Work with two one-hour pieces, Robbin’s Dances at a Gathering and Balanchine’s Union Jack. Dances at a Gathering, set to 18 Chopin piano pieces, premiered in 1969. It …
Tanaquil Le Clerq Film at Lincoln Center Feb. 5-16
The Film Society of Lincoln Center will present Afternoon of a Faun, a documentary on the life of Tanaquil Le Clerq February 5-16. Tanaquil was a Principal Dancer at New York City Ballet until she was stricken with polio at …
Counterclockwise Ballerina Found!
My last post looked at directional preference for dancers and athletes and reported that dancers tend to turn clockwise (CW) on pirouettes and jumps while figure skaters, gymnasts, and divers prefer the counterclockwise (CCW) direction. I looked at 50 female …

Why Do Ballet Dancers Turn Clockwise?
Above photo: The Winter Olympics are approaching and figure skating will be a main attraction. While watching skating several years ago, I noticed that almost all skaters turned in a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction. This contrasts to ballet in which …
World War I
With the New York City Ballet winter season starting January 21, I’m using the ballet break to catch up on my reading. At the top of my pile is Max Hasting’s new book on World War I, Catastrophe. I’ve enjoyed his …