ABT concluded its Washington D.C. run at Kennedy Center Sunday. Sarah Kaufman of the Washington Post liked the mixed rep performance earlier in the week: There was no end of pleasure in this program, which included an incandescent production of …
Month: March 2015
Paloma and Xiomara
Final Performance News
Sarah Kaufman of the Washington Post solves the mystery of Paloma Herrera’s finale. Paloma was scheduled in Sleeping Beauty for her final ABT performance on June 9, but withdrew from the performance. Her only other remaining scheduled performance is the Giselle May …

Pointe Shoes Part II:
Gaynor Minden
Above photo by Eduardo Patino courtesy of Gaynor Minden. As a former dancer, I’ve always been fascinated by pointe shoes. Like most guys, I’ve never worn pointe shoes, but have been intrigued by the strange rituals that women go through, …
Mixed Rep-March 16
Ballet San Jose Stays Alive SF Gate reports that Ballet San Jose, headed by former ABT Principal Dancer José Manuel Carreño, raised $640,000 in the last 10 days to stave off financial collapse. The company needed to raise $500,000 to …
Mixed Rep-ABT, March 12
Kaho Ogawa Does 10 In between NYCB and ABT seasons, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the web trying to get my fill of ballet. I found an astounding video of ABT’s Kaho Ogawa performing 10 pirouettes on …
ABT Sleeping Beauty Reviews
If early reviews are any indication, ABT has a winner in Alexei Ratmansky’s Sleeping Beauty, which debuted at Segerstrom Center, Orange County on Tuesday. Here are three reviews I found: The LA Times Laura Bleiberg: While European companies have moved …