Above photo: Natalia Osipova performing a grand jeté in Mikhailovsky Ballet Giselle, November 2014 Not much to write about in the New York City ballet scene as all performances are scraped this year. The cancellation of the Metropolitan Opera 2020-2021 …
Month: September 2020

ABT Promotions Announced
American Ballet Theatre promotions announced Thursday were largely foreshadowed by casting in the canceled Spring Met season. All dancers promoted to Principal Dancer (Joo Won Ahn, Aran Bell, Skylar Brandt, Thomas Forster, Calvin Royal III and Cassandra Trenary) had a …

New Baryshnikov YouTube Video: Legendary Solos
Photo: Vladimir Bliokh, Don Quixote, Moscow, 1968. I posted a video on YouTube with analysis of two legendary Mikhail Baryshnikov solos. First is the Basil Act II “drunk” solo from his American Ballet Theatre Don Quixote production from 1983 when …