Author: KentGBecker

New YouTube Video: Ukrainian Fouettés
Check out my latest YouTube video on fouettés from great Ukrainian dancers. My favorite choreographer Alexei Ratmansky posted a video on his Instagram and YouTube channels of five Ukrainian ballerinas in honor of the 2024 International Women’s Day. The five …

Arlington National Cemetery Photography
I visited Arlington National Cemetery last month and posted photos on my photography website A stark reminder of the sacrifices many have made to serve our country. Arlington National Cemetery is located in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River …

Baryshnikov/Bolle Giselle Coda Video
Check out my latest YouTube video on the Giselle coda. The role of Count Albrecht in the iconic ballet Giselle is a supreme test of a male dancer. The role in the tragic classic demands a high degree of dramatic …

Elisabeth Beyer YouTube Video: Incredible Fouettés
It’s not often that I see a ballet step that I have not seen before, but that was the case when American Ballet Theatre’s Elisabeth Beyer posted an Instagram video from World Ballet Day in November 2023. In the brief …

Christine Shevchenko on Pointe Shoes
Check out my latest YouTube video on pointe shoes. This video series provides an overview of pointe shoes from the perspective of an elite professional dancer. This video provides commentary from American Ballet Theatre’s Christine Shevchenko on topics ranging from …

New YouTube Video on Roberto Bolle
I have a new YouTube video on Roberto Bolle. Roberto is one of the most famous dancers in the world, with widespread name recognition outside the dance world, particularly in his home country of Italy, where he headlined popular television …